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frenzy 2011 update.

Messagepar seanrmz » Mar 09 Nov 2010 21:41

report par Briand de windzup. via facebook

" The new Frenzy's have been arriving throughout October, and the snow has teased us with a few early storms. A few riders are scoring the traditional early season hits in Wyoming, while the Windzup crew has anxiously been awaiting good coverage at Skyline to take the new kites out. As many of us who work the daily grind know, the best riding is in your back yard, when you can get an epic session in before or after work.... unless of course you are off work and road-tripping! So while we've been busy packaging and shipping out the new 2011 kites, we've been jonesing for a good Snowkite session ourselves. This morning of November 9th we got it, with a foot of powder providing a soft enough base to get in some powered rides.

We connected the lines on the 11 meter green Frenzy for the first time. The standard kook-proof knotting system was pre-rigged and ready to connect, along with easy to identify leader lines, that connected to the corresponding red, grey and blue lines. We also noticed a new bridle line, that connects directly between the front 2 leader lines, forming a 'T' above where the 2 'Y' lines attach to the kites bridles.

The new Contact-Snow bar is a nice new addition to the package. Very clean and simplified lay out, utilizing the evolved top-hat safety release system. Foam floaters hide an easy to adjust leader line larks head, that can be moved up or down to increase or decrease rear line tension. The brake handle was much easier to manage and should be even less likely to catch or tangle with leader lines.

As I pulled the front lines the kite inflated smoothly and lifted into the air immediately, pulling me forward thru the snow as it flew toward the zenith. With the bar in all the way, the kite seemed to have a perfect amount of back line tension, with a slight crease in the trailing edge. As a gust of wind rolled by, I grabbed the brake line to increase the trailing edge tension and hold the kite directly over head, easily preventing the kite from overflying. I could see increasing the back line tension for my personal preference of flying, but it did not seem neccessary during the rest of the session.

I stalled the kite, pulling in the brake line to just past the bar. Once the kite began to stall, I was able to let off of the brake a few more inches. The kite stayed on the ground with just minimal brake tension, and was about half stalled. I stepped into my bindings and locked into my Twisted Velocity, before relaunching the Frenzy.

Once again the kite lifted off gracefully and powered up towards the zenith. I dove the kite to power up and was instantly off dodging rocks and bushes on my way towards the flat open area downwind. Once in the field I was able to ride powered maintaing ground. An occassional gust would help me crank back upwind effortlessly. During the lulls I was able to see just how well the new Frenzy responded, as these are the typical conditions that plague snowkiters, light mountain air. I was very pleased with the agility in which the Frenzy turned and recovered, accelerating out of every turn. There was no stalling in the turn, rather a forward momentum that was built up. Instead of sending the kite deeper into the window to gain more power, this new Frenzy turned in a tight loop at the edge of the window, generating plenty of power to maintain upwind and uphill progress.

When flying across the wind, the Frenzy had a light and comfortable feel on the bar. With one hand you could easily hang on or steer. I held the grip mid way between the bar ends and the C-loop line, and found the kite would loop easily one handed. I liked the acceleration the Frenzy maintained thru the loop, gaining power and coming out of the turn with speed. Power strokes delivered a very deliberate and direct feeling of horsepower, while looping at the edge of the window kept you going upwind with speed.

All in all I was very stoked with the first impressions from this early season session on the new 2011 Ozone Frenzy. I am looking forward to some serious hill climbing days, to really put this kite head to head with its proven counterpart, the Manta 3.


Brian Schenck "
rivesud de MTL
ozone edge 13m +11m + 9m
fs outlaw 10m + 6m

fs speed3 21m + 12m
slingshot glide + rrd poison 132
Messages: 856
Inscrit le: Jeu 03 Juin 2010 21:04
Localisation: St Mathieu de Beloeil

Re: frenzy 2011 update.

Messagepar StephSkidoo » Mar 09 Nov 2010 22:40

C,est pour me mêler encore plus Sean , je compte les frenzy pis les outlaw pour m'endormir depuis une semaine....
frensy 9 ,outlaw 10, pile ou face.... lol
Flysurfer Outlaw, 6m et 10m VENDU planche a neige de kite et buggy a vendre
Bon hiver a tous !
Messages: 76
Inscrit le: Mar 09 Nov 2010 07:55
Localisation: st-jean-sur-richelieu

Re: frenzy 2011 update.

Messagepar Denis » Mar 09 Nov 2010 22:56

une ou l'autre tu ne devrais pas etre decu. vas-y pour le meilleur deal, ou le kite dont les couleurs te plaisent le plus.

l'apparence d'un kite c'est tres important :santa:
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Messages: 6750
Inscrit le: Sam 18 Sep 2010 01:56

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